Palm oil mills should adopt AI tech, says plantations minister (Selangor Journal)

Palm oil mills should adopt AI tech, says plantations minister

As posted on Business Today on 19 November 2024. 


Plantation and Commodities Minister Datuk Seri Johari Abdul Ghani speaks at the launch of Minsawi Industries (Kuala Kangsar) Sdn Bhd’s artificial intelligence-powered palm oil mill, set up in collaboration with Airei Sdn Bhd, in Kuala Kangsar on November 19, 2024.

KUALA KANGSAR, Nov 19 — Palm oil mills in the country have been urged to use artificial intelligence (AI) technology for oil processing, thus lowering costs and increasing revenue.

Plantation and Commodities Minister Datuk Seri Johari Abdul Ghani said Minsawi Industries (Kuala Kangsar) Sdn Bhd’s palm oil mill here, which utilises AI technology provided by Airei Sdn Bhd, can serve as an example to other palm oil mills.

“This is a first in the world where a palm oil mill uses technological advancement that adopts AI incorporated in its sensors and some of the predictive tools to process palm oil.

“If this technology is effective, the system should be looked into by all stakeholders in the industry. We have 446 palm oil mills (in the country), but this is the first one to incorporate all these technologies including AI and sensors,” he told a media conference after launching the AI-based smart palm oil mill, a collaboration between Minsawi Industries and Airei here today.

Also present were Airei Sdn Bhd founder and chief executive officer Surendran Kuranadan and Minsawi Industries directors Datuk B. Sahadivanaidu dan Datuk Kili Rathna Raj.

Johari said the palm oil mill, with the AI technology it uses, has been able to reduce its workforce, especially foreign labour, by about 30 to 35 per cent, thus prioritising local talent to handle the technology.

“Hence, such a big mill can reduce its workforce by 30 to 35 per cent and also gain efficiency in terms of oil processing, besides increasing income and maximising production.

“As the number of workers can be lowered, it can save nearly 35 per cent in overhead costs,” he said.

Johari said he was also informed that other costs would fall with the reduction in foreign workers, including energy, water utility and administrative costs.

“If all 446 palm oil mills in the country adopted this technology, the number of foreign workers could be cut by nearly 8,000, which is a large figure,” he added.

Palm Oil Mills Should Adopt AI To Reduce Cost And Increase Revenue (Business Today)

Palm Oil Mills Should Adopt AI To Reduce Cost And Increase Revenue

As posted on Business Today on 19 November 2024. 


Plantation and Commodities Minister Datuk Seri Johari Abdul Ghani urged palm oil mills in Malaysia to use artificial intelligence (AI) technology for palm oil processing as one of the methods to reduce cost and increase revenue.

“As we move forward into a new era of digitisation, the integration of AI into the palm oil production process is pivotal as it can enhance efficiency, reduce foreign labour dependency and ensure the highest standards of quality and sustainability.

“Additionally, we can monitor every stage of milling, maintenance and operation to quality control, in real-time, enabling us to optimise yields and minimise the production cost of palm oil production,” he said before launching the AI-based smart palm oil mill at Minsawi Industries Sdn Bhd’s palm oil mill in Kuala Kangsar, Perak.

The AI-based smart palm oil mill is a collaboration between Minsawi Industries and AIREI Sdn Bhd.

Johari highlighted that with the launch of the AI smart palm oil mill, Malaysia is setting new standards for environmental sustainability through energy consumption monitoring, water usage and waste management.

“This facility will serve as a model for future projects, showing that it is possible to balance economic growth with ecological stewardship

“Furthermore, if this technology is effective, the system should be looked into by all stakeholders in the industry as the integration of AI technology into palm oil production is a win-win for the industry, climate and biodiversity, and future generations,” he said.

He explained that the palm oil mill, via the AI technology used, can reduce its workforce, especially foreign labour, by about 30%-35%, thus prioritising local talent to handle the technology.

“When a big mill can reduce its workforce by 30%-35%, it will save nearly 35% in overhead cost.

“Soon enough, other costs including energy, water utility and administrative costs would also fall with the reduction in foreign workers,” he said.

However, he stressed that AI would not replace the workforce, instead, it will empower them through higher wages and greater skill sets.

“By automating repetitive tasks, AI will free up our employees to focus on higher-value activities that require human skills and expertise.

“The government together with large players, are committed to providing the workforce with the necessary training and support to adapt to the changing demands of the industry,” he said.

Meanwhile, AIREI founder and Chief Executive Officer Surendran Kuranadan said the launch of Minsawi Industries’ AI smart palm oil mill is more than just a technological upgrade, it’s a shift in how the palm oil industry can operate.

“By harnessing the benefits of AI technology, we’re addressing inefficiencies, reducing environmental impact and paving the way for a smarter and more sustainable future,” he said, adding that AIREI’s innovative system integrates four core components (advanced sensors, AI-powered CCTV cameras, AI-driven control system and predictive maintenance) to optimise mill performance.

Malaysia Negara Pertama Di Dunia Guna Teknologi AI Di Kilang Sawit (Malaysia Gazette TV)

As posted on MalaysiaGazette TV Online YouTube on 19 November 2024.

Kilang kelapa sawit disaran guna teknologi AI: Johari (Utusan Borneo)

Kilang kelapa sawit disaran guna teknologi AI: Johari



Kilang Minsawi Industries Sdn. Bhd merupakan kilang minyak sawit yang dipacu kecerdasan buatan AI pertama di dunia.

KUALA KANGSAR: Kilang-kilang kelapa sawit dalam negara disaran menggunakan teknologi kecerdasan buatan (AI) untuk memproses buah sawit kerana dapat mengurangkan kos dan meningkatkan hasil.

Menteri Perladangan dan Komoditi Datuk Seri Johari Abdul Ghani berkata kilang kelapa sawit Minsawi Industries (Kuala Kangsar) Sdn Bhd dipacu teknologi AI oleh AIREI Sdn Bhd (AIREI) adalah contoh terbaik kepada kilang kelapa sawit lain dari segi penggunaan teknologi AI ketika memproses minyak sawit.

“Ini adalah pertama di dunia…kilang kelapa sawit (Minsawi Industries) menggunakan AI kemudian serta penggunaaan beberapa peralatan moden lain untuk memproses kelapa sawit.

“Jika AI efektif dan berkesan, pemegang taruh dalam industri ini harus memberi perhatian terhadap sistem berkenaan kerana kita mempunyai 446 kilang sawit (dalam negara)…ini adalah kilang sawit pertama menggunakan AI, sensor dan pelbagai teknologi terkini,” katanya.

Beliau berkata demikian pada sidang media selepas merasmikan Majlis Pelancaran Kilang Minyak Sawit Pintar Pertama di Dunia Berasaskan AI hasil kerjasama Minsawi Industries dan AIREI di sini hari ini.

Turut hadir Pengasas dan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif AIREI Sdn Bhd Surendran Kuranadan serta Pengarah Minsawi Industries Datuk B. Sahadivanaidu dan Datuk Kili Rathna Raj.

Johari (kanan) melawat bilik kawalan AI selepas merasmikan kilang minyak sawit yang dipacu AI, pertama di dunia, di Kilang Minsawi Industries Sdn. Bhd hari ini. Turut hadir Surendran (kiri).

Johari berkata berdasarkan teknologi AI di kilang itu, ia mampu mengurangkan pekerja kilang terutamanya pekerja asing hampir 30 ke 35 peratus sekali gus mengutamakan kepakaran pekerja tempatan untuk mengendalikan teknologi berkenaan.

“Justeru, kilang sebesar ini dapat kurangkan pekerja antara 30 hingga 35 peratus dan menghasilkan kecekapan dari segi pengeluaran minyak, meningkatkan pendapatan serta memaksimumkan pengeluaran mereka.

“Selain itu, disebabkan pengurangan jumlah pekerja, ia dapat penjimatan kos overhed hampir 35 peratus,” katanya.

Johari berkata beliau dimaklumkan kesan daripada pengurangan pekerja asing itu juga mampu menjimatkan banyak kos, antaranya kos tenaga elektrik, air dan penyelenggaraan.

“Sekiranya 446 kilang-kilang kelapa sawit ini boleh menggunakan teknologi ini dan berkesan, ia boleh mengurangkan hampir 8,000 pekerja asing dalam kilang kelapa sawit…ia satu jumlah yang besar,” katanya.

Beliau berkata Malaysia merupakan pengeluar kelapa sawit kedua terbesar di dunia, bagaimanapun dari segi konsep pengoperasian kilang Minsawi Industries dengan kerjasama AIREI itu merupakan yang pertama di dunia.

“Hasil akan meningkat (menerusi teknologi AI) kerana kehilangan minyak dalam pemprosesan itu akan berkurangan sebab setiap kali ada indikator kehilangan minyak itu meningkat, mereka boleh hentikan dan mencari punca masalah tersebut,” katanya.

Johari (tengah) meninjau persekitaran kilang selepas perasmian kilang minyak sawit yang dipacu kecerdasan buatan (AI), pertama di dunia, di Kilang Minsawi Industries Sdn. Bhd hari ini. Turut hadir Pengasas dan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif AIREI Sdn Bhd, Surendran Kuranadan (kanan).